Screening in Phoenix, Arizona on March 28, 2019

Panel discussion following screening includes:
Jana Katsuyama, KTVU Fox 2 News Reporter,
Zahra Billoo from CAIR, Alan Nishio,
Karen Korematsu and Marlene Shigekawa.
Event was sponsored by the National Japanese
American Historical Society. Pictured below is
Executive Director of NJAHS, Rosalyn Tonai.
Marlene Shigekawa speaks after film screening at Grace Presbyterian Church in Long Beach. Other panelists include Stephanie Reeves Gilman, Patti Tsubokawa Reeves and Amy Tsubokawa
With generous contributions from all our supporters, we have surpassed our Kickstarter goal and earned $10,603. Thank you to all those who made a donation either through our Kickstarter campaign or by sending in a check. We are truly thrilled. This means we are well on our way to completing our film. Currently, the expected release date is June 2015. Stay tuned.
We were able to capture the stories of Misako Shigekawa before she passed away on October 31, 2012. I feel deep gratitude for being able to hear her words as she shared her feelings about her incarceration experience. I also was able to see how truly courageous she and other mothers were.
It was breathtaking to experience Taiko drumming as part of the opening ceremonies at the Manzanar Pilgrimage. Our filmmakers, Joe Fox and James Nubile, and I drove from Los Angeles and were exposed to the cold, bitter winds and couldn’t imagine how those incarcerated here could endure the cold in this remote, desolate place.